Increasing Profitability by Improving Kid Management

Upcoming workshops will look at kid care and profitability

Kathleen Shore, Ruminant Nutritionist with New-Life Mills, will be sharing tips on kid management at this month’s Goat Profitability Workshops. Whether you run a dairy or meat goat operation, successful kid rearing can make all the difference in profitability and the financial bottom line.  Kathleen will share her knowledge on kid nutrition with the goal of reducing mortality and maximizing production during this critical growing phase.  “As goat producers we can all do a better job with kid management, the more kids raised successfully the more successful your operation will be,” stated Shore.

In addition to learning about kid management, producers will also hear a presentation from Mike Draper, Livestock Community Sales Act Coordinator with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs, on assessing goat welfare.  The welfare of your herd is very important and impacts your bottom line.  Knowing when to cull in a timely manner will help to improve the overall health, welfare and productivity of your herd.

As dairy producers, a year round supply of milk is critical to meeting the growing demand for goat milk.  Paul Stewart from EastGen will educate producers on how to implement artificial insemination programs in your operations.  Experienced producers will also share their thoughts on what has worked for them.

Everyone is invited to this educational event but pre-registration is strongly encouraged to plan for meals.  Be sure to come out and network with fellow producers while learning more about your industry and how to increase on-farm productivity to become more profitable. The workshops are being held in three locations: Belleville Parkdale Community Centre (October 27), Tavistock Memorial Hall (October 29) and Listowel Agricultural Hall (October 30). Registration is only $25 per person and includes a lunch, speakers and session notes. In order to plan, pre-registration is encouraged.

Click here for more information and to access the registration form or contact Ontario Goat at or 519-824-2942 to register today!

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